IntelliSense/AutoComplete in Python Editor
Most of the developers are writing their code in a particular editor, so If a user wants to use a particular feature, he/she searches it in the editor and install it. But how these plugins work ??
Let’s look at one of them i.e. auto-complete feature every language has different plugins
This article is about how auto-complete works in the editor, more focus will be is on auto-complete in python language.
What is auto-complete?
Autocomplete i.e. word completion, is a feature in which if user types a particular word, then application will give a list of suggested words.
What is the language server protocol?
The Language Server Protocol (LSP) defines the protocol used between an editor or IDE and a language server that provides language features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references etc.
How LSP works?
A language server runs as a separate process and development tools to communicate with the server using the language protocol over JSON-RPC
Language server for Python: Python-language-server i.e. pyls
This is the package that needs to be installed for the python language server. Similarly, there are some other packages for other languages.
Install it using command `pip install python-language-server`. It also has some other packages:
- Rope for Completions and renaming
- pyflakes linter to detect various errors
- McCabe linter for complexity checking
- pycodestyle linter for style checking
- pydocstyle linter for docstring style checking (disabled by default)
- autopep8 for code formatting
- YAPF for code formatting (preferred over autopep8)
How to integrate an auto-complete feature in Monaco-editor for python language
Language client (JavaScript code)
- Import all required libraries i.e. vscode-ws-jsonrpc for communication over JSON-RPC, Monaco-editor, and Monaco-languageclient
2. Create Monaco editor with required editor option
3. Install Monaco language client
4. Create a Monaco language client
5. Connect to language server
Note: Here, Vue.js framework is used in the frontend, other frameworks can be used. `connectToMonacoServer` method is called in the init life-cycle of Vue.js. (Can be written in separate component)
Language server (JavaScript code)
To integrate different language
change line no 9 from
const serverConnection = server.createServerProcess(‘JSON’, ‘pyls’)
const serverConnection = server.createServerProcess('JAVA', 'java',"<extra_param_if_required>");
For Java, some extra params might be required like jar settings, etc.
likewise for Go
var serverConnection = server.createServerProcess('go', path.resolve(__dirname, 'go-langserver'), ['-gocodecompletion', '-freeosmemory=false']);
Each language has a different language server. One just need to replace the server process method parameter to respective language parameter
Wrap up:
- Understanding of auto-complete feature
- Working of Language server protocol
- Python language server and its libraries
- Integration of language client and server in Monaco editor
- How to use language server for other languages